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Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is a few pictures of some of my furniture redos!
Good Thursday morning...hoping all is well with you! <3

I have a friend PJ's Treasures we have a weekly Challenge. This past week was her choice to give the Challenge, so it was to make a card holder using empty food boxes. I used 3 potatoe boxes, and a taco shell box. It truley was a fun project, this week was my choice on our Challenge, so we are using a empty Christmas light box, and making a matching mini album. We post these every Tyesday, at 8:00 p.m. I am always amazed at how different our projects are with the almost same items. We have done these type Challenges for over a year, and love it. This year we put a new spin on things, and added a 5 card Challenge at the first of the month with what ever the next Holiday coming up. Also  the purpose for our Challenges this year is to make our Trash to Treasure's items for Gift giving this year, and to be ahead for Christmas, Birthdays, and anything inbetween. I will post next Tuesday our before, and after Challenge.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Today was one of those kinda days, when you are snowed in, and not certain if the snow was ever going to stop. Thankfully it did, and I was somewhat prepared yesterday knowing the storm was coming, that was a good thing. I had full intentions on getting my Crafty On, but that was not going to happen, I am affraid my lack of sleep hindered me from doing anything Crafty.
Tomorrow I will make a better attempt to be more Craft creative. Meanwhile to make this happen I am calling it a early night.
So please check back, tomorrow I will have some Craft posts for you!
Goodnight, and Sweet Dreams! <3